On June 28 2006, a bunch of us (students, teachers and faculty members) organized an Asian/Pacific Islander Extravaganza. It's the first time our college was having this extravaganza. Needless to say, I was in the committee and I chose to help out with the others in my group to bring a little piece of China's history, culture, and food to our college! After all, I am a Chinese right? After two whole months of careful planning and weekly meetings, we managed to come up with the menu, powerpoint presentation, showrooms, facts, etc. Altogether, we exhibited 6 Asian/Pacific Islander countries in this extravaganza. Enough said for the time being...Now, let me present you with some snapshots from this event:

Our showroom!

Tibet corner...

Our Chinese group...FYI, through this event, I met this bunch of people here! Some are from China, Taiwan, and I'm the only odd one from Malaysia...hahaha... It's amazing how one event like this can unite all of us. Now, I can practice my rotten Mandarin here as I can have more conversations with them! I'm telling you, they are so fluent in it, man! Oh, one of them even brought her laptop that has a Chinese software. With her laptop, they helped to translate the visitors names into Mandarin (obviously I can't do that since I can't read those chinese characters...). Then, I printed out the names and gave it as souvenirs to the visitors. One of the visitors was going to use the Chinese name printed out to make a tattoo on her arm! How cool is that??

Now, you maybe wondering why I'm posting this picture right? Well, it's not because I'm taking a picture of this guy sitting in the field (who happens to be cute but my friend's boyfriend!)... see the pile of dirt covered with a few palm leaves? At 12pm, they dug out that pile of dirt...guess what's beneath it???

The soldiers and some volunteers just finished digging out *something* from the pit hole...

It's the Kahlua Pig!!! It's one of the traditions of a Polynesian Island....It was my very first time witnessing the outcome of a 300lb pig being cooked in the ground for 24 hours! A chef hired by the school and some guys from the U.S. Army Reserve came to jaga the pig overnight just in case some stray dogs might wanna dig up the hole and have a bite of our main course...hehehe...
So there you have it! Cool eh? Oh, and the pig tasted so good!! It was cooked just right..succulent and tender! Yummy! We also had other dishes for the hungry crowd..the Mongolian Beef, Chinese fried rice, Chicken Adobo from Phillipines, Kimchi from South Korea, Sushi from Japan, some kind of soup from Vietnam, coconut pudding, and pineapple from the Polynesian Islands...
We were also entertained by a couple of performances and here are some random picture of it!

Lots of students, teachers, faculty staff, and their family members came to this event. All in all, I would say that this extravaganza was extravagant!!! I'm looking forward to the next one! Till then!