Last Sunday during Sunday School, our class teacher, Miss Georgette brought some cleaning tools and our task was to clean up our classroom. After all, we're in God's house. So we drew lots and some got to sweep, vacuum and pick-up/tidy stuff while I did the dusting...Anyway, after we were done, she brought out some towels and a basin filled with water and bubble bath...weird isn't it? She told us to read the Scriptures about Jesus washing his disciples' feet and guess what was our next acitvity???

We were to clean each others feet, just like our Lord Jesus Christ had done. And when she said clean each others feet, she really meant it (not just dipping our feet in the basin as a symbol). Our teacher started first by cleaning David's feet (as shown in the picture)...She scrubbed his feet thoroughly, in between the toes, the heels, and finally, wiping his feet dry. Then, we went around cleaning each others feet....humbleness? servanthood? I really don't know how I can possibly describe the feeling to you. All of us did it willingly, no questions asked and no complaining!
It was truly a once in a lifetime experience and indeed, it was the greatest lesson in my entire life! Learning to be as humble as Jesus. I was so touched when one of them cleaned my feet. Really, you have gotta experience it to know how it feels like! It was as if Jesus was cleaning mine. When it was my turn to clean another person's feet, all I can say is that I felt so honored and oh, I just can't think of the right words to describe it!
What an unforgettable and humbling experience!
P/S: Humble pie has nothing to do with Just the word 'Humble'!