Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner
Tonight, I was invited to a dinner at UTEP as I was chosen among my peers at work to attend this function. It was a humbling honor to represent the University Career Center at such a prestigious event. I found out that my dinner tonight would've cost me $100, if not for the department's generous invitation. At the dinner, the distinguished alumni shared their experiences and their achievements. All of their speeches were really inspiring and motivational.
One of them gave some really good advice to all of us... He graduated from UTEP in 1908 and is one of the finest lawyers in the country and owns his own law firm. He advised us not to forget our heritage and where we came from. He told us about a globe that his grandfather passed on to him and has this globe in his office as a daily reminder of his family heritage from Mexico and also a wall full of family pictures in his office. He said that family was very important to him and ends by saying that whatever success he's had is because God has blessed him with it. I truly believe in that and his humbleness is one lesson in life that I will learn to cherish and remember all the days of my life. Catie and me (She's the Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Associate Dean of Students at UTEP)
Group picture of the top student leaders that were chosen to represent each department at UTEP.
UTEP President, Dr. Diana Natalicio giving a speech at the dinner. We even had the pleasure of introducing ourselves and meeting her personally before dinner was being served.
The floral arrangement/table centerpiece at the dinner.
Group picture.
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