I'm back from MIA!!!
I know I've been MIA (missing in action) from blogging for awhile now...I've just been so busy with school and all. So here's some pictures of what I've been up to besides hitting the books ;-) The International Students/Freshmen Ladies Bible Study group session at Kinley's Coffee Shop, just behind the Baptist Student Union Building. The owner of the coffee shop, Kin Ley is a Christian from Hong Kong! so we spoke Cantonese! hehe! what a small world!
'Pearls of Wisdom' Ladies Bible Study (also from the BSM) Picnic Day at Memorial Park!
Group outing with the BSM to the LaUnion Maze in El Paso..Yes, we got lost in the corn maze for an hour and it was pitch black in the maze because we went at night! scary, man! But thank God they have Corn Cops (funny, right?) to help out the really sesat (lost) ppl...hehe! Needless to say, our group was one of the sesat ppl! But we had so much fun! lolz!
At the LaUnion Maze. (L-R: Jonya (BSM director's wife), Karen, me, Noemi, and David)
October Birthday Party at my aunt's house since it was my uncle's birthday and some other friends. Since it's Halloween Day this Wednesday (Oct. 31), my uncle carved the pumpkin and my aunt painted the "Welcome" pumpkin :-)
The chocolate chip ice-cream cake for Uncle Russell from Baskin Robbins
Last but not least, here's a picture that never fails to make my day!!! This is a picture of my cute cousin, Joshua after he finished his chocolate pudding ;-)
haha...sekali get three post from you!!!nice seeing pictures of you and the environment there...
happy halloween!!!
yeah..dunno why I was so motivated that day! lol! is halloween a big thing in Japan too?
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